About Us
mylo swim is driven to make change through creating luxurious, high quality, solution based swimwear. We know swimwear can be intimidating, we’re here to empower you to embrace your curves and natural beauty.
Eliminating the cross road between cute bikinis “for skinny people” and not flattering swimsuits that make us feel comfortable in our bodies.
Our founder spent many shopping trips resulting in tears, feeling like nothing fits her, she’s not “skinny” enough or “pretty” enough. That used to make her feel defeated but she has grown to learn that you need to find clothes that flatter your body and make you feel good. Your clothes should make you feel beautiful and confident.
We lived the defeat, the negative self talk, the low-self confidence. Trust us when we say we’ve been there. We’d be doing a disservice if we didn’t do something to change it.
mylo swim is dedicated to designing the perfect fit that accentuates curves, feels comfortable and makes you feel confident. This is why we designed a swimsuit for every body type. We want to empower women to feel comfortable in their own skin and natural beauty. It’s not about hiding it to feel comfortable, it’s about finding what works for YOU.
We’re not going to give you size is just a number BS. It’s a feeling not a number. It’s about how you feel in that swimsuit. We encourage you to not get defeated and be open to trying things not in your comfort zone, because that swimsuit that will break your self-confidence barriers is just outside that zone.
You wear your swimsuit, your swimsuit doesn’t wear you.